Skin Pigmentation

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Skin Pigmentation

Our skin gets colour from a pigment called melanin and is produced by cells called melanocytes. When melanocytes produce excess pigment, our skin becomes darker. Sunlight stimulates these cells and that’s the reason we get tanned on sun exposure. There are many causes of skin pigmentation including pregnancy, hormonal changes, vitamin deficiencies etc.

Common Pigmentation problems we encounter daily at Eternis Clinic are

  • Melasma – Melasma (commonly referred as vaang) is dark pigmentation on the face seen commonly in women. Usually, it starts in pregnancy or around menopause due to hormonal changes. Less commonly men also get it due to excess sun exposure. It often leads to considerable emotional distress.
  • Tanning (Photomelanosis) This is darkening of skin immediately after Sun exposure. Sometimes tanning can be delayed and may be persistent. 
  • Freckles These appear as small dots of pigmentation on face and are usually seen on fair skin individuals. Genetic predisposition and sun exposure is the main reason 
  • Acanthosis Nigricans This presents as velvety thickening and darkening of skin commonly on neck, armpits, around eyes and sometimes on hands. Weight gain, sedentary lifestyle and hormonal changes are common reasons. 
  • Undereye Dark Circles – Read below

I have pigmentation on my face, what is it due to?

Melasma, Frictional melanosis, Acanthosis nigricans, Riehl’s melanosis, Ashy dermatosis or Lichen planus pigmentosus, Pigmentary demarcation lines, nevi and many more skin conditions can lead to pigmentation on face. A thorough analysis by our dermatologists is preferable before diagnosis or starting any form of treatment.

Dark coloured patches are seen most commonly on cheeks and nose. Sometimes forehead, upper lip area and chin is also involved.

Strict Sun protection

Wearing a good Sunscreen even if you are inside the house

Avoid scrubbing on skin

Avoid Self medication

At Eternis Clinic, our experts first analyze the cause of your pigmentation, assess your skin type and sensitivity, understand your daily routine and then treatment is individualized keeping in mind all the above factors.

TO remove the pigment accumulated in the upper layers of skin our dermatologists will prescribe skin products according to skin type. Sunscreen is an integral part of pigmentation treatment.

Oral medicines and supplements also help to reduce intensity of pigmentation.

Advanced lightening peels including time tested Cosmelan and Dermamelan are done in clinic which drastically reduce pigmentation and improve skin tone. Maintenance treatment will be suggested to maintain the results achieved.

Pigment LASERS specifically target excess pigment in the skin sparing the surrounding skin and can also reach deeper layers of the skin to treat stubborn pigmentations.


Dark Circles around eyes make one look tired and old and thus affecting your personal and professional outlook.

Dark circles mostly appear with age due to skin thinning around eyes as a result of loss of collagen. Tiny blood vessels around eyes lose the support from collagen and become lax leading to accumulation of deoxygenated blood which is seen as dark through thin skin.

Unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep and poor nutrition propagates this process faster causing early appearance of dark circles. Some people naturally have deep set eyes which makes their periorbital skin look darker due to shadowing effect.

Mostly it is an interplay of multiple factors given below

  • Genetic
  • Aging 
  • Thinning of under-eye skin 
  • Poor sleep habits 
  • Stress
  • Deficiency of iron and other minerals
  • Regular exposure to Sunlight 
  • Smoking
  • Continuous eye strain
  • Fat loss around the eyes
  • Thyroid conditions 

Out of many causes of dark circles, Unhealthy lifestyle and poor diet can be considered most important factors. Thus, healthy lifestyle and balanced diet can help prevent dark circles in many cases.

Taking enough sleep, regular exercise, reducing sun exposure and avoiding smoking and alcohol will help prevent dark circles.

If for any of the above reasons, you have already developed undereye circles and it’s bothering you, Eternis clinic have multiple safe and effective treatment options which will help improve it.

Our dermatologists will first assess your dark circles and advise a treatment plan according to its severity and skin type.

  • Nutritional Supplements
  • Undereye lightening creams or serums
  • Undereye Lightening treatments – This is most commonly performed procedure for dark circles and has no downtime. As skin around eyes is thin and sensitive, special peeling solutions made for sensitive skin are used according to severity of dark circles. It not only reduces darkness but also improves the texture of the skin and helps reduce any signs of wrinkles. It also strengthens tiny superficial blood vessels around eyes improving blood flow.
  • Micro-needling Treatment Micro-needling stimulates deeper skin layers and improves wrinkles and lax skin around eyes.
  • Lasers Lasers help reduce excess pigment in the skin and to reduce wrinkling.